Tag Archives: Erin McNulty Pet Photographer

The Gag Reel

With pet photography, I often shoot in “burst” mode, about five or six shots at once to make sure I nail the photo. Every now and then I’ll snap a frame that has me in absolute hysterics. I work really hard to capture certain expressions during a shoot so it’s so great when you get something completely unplanned and unexpected. I’ve been saving them for a blog post for a while now – one day I’ll hopefully have enough for a book.  I hope these bring a smile to your face like they do to mine.


Percy the Chihuahua – be very afraid!

Tom the Poodle has had a looooong day

Otis the mini foxie is having a tough time

Grandma Giggles had a hard time keeping her outfit from falling over her face. I loved this one so much I’ve got it hanging in my office

Little PK the Griffon gets caught mid head shake

Scrumpy is not letting out an almighty howl, I think he was just starting a yawn

And finally – my boys and their tongues

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