As an official Cat Lady, I was beyond thrilled at the chance to photograph these two! Sushi and Sesame are the beautiful Burmese brother and sister of Chewy and PK. Despite sharing their house with two dogs and two humans they are quite clearly the rulers of the household. Little Sesame is a recent addition to the family from Burmese Rescue, he has the most adorable little half tail. Sushi is a bit older and is just in love with her new brother – when I arrived they were curled up together in their bed washing one another.
My biggest challenge with this shoot was narrowing down the photos – these two were so photogenic and were truly a joy to photograph!

Sushi has the most stunning subtle lavender and ginger markingsLittle brother Sesame loves his feather toys!
A lot of people think that pet photography is something reserved just for dogs, which couldn’t be more untrue. I’ve lived with cats since I was born, and I have a huge range of experience with every personality type you can imagine. If you’d like to book your own cat session, click here to email me today.