Squishy face + jowls + cutest snaggle tooth = Brian, the happiest Bulldog in Bayside Melbourne!
Squishy face + jowls + cutest snaggle tooth = Brian, the happiest Bulldog in Bayside Melbourne!
Master Pebbles is just like his namesake – sweet, small, and full of energy! This delightful boy is looking for his forever home, if you would like to meet him head on over to his PetRescue profile
A little preview of the exceptionally photogenic Oliver the Bengal, what a stunner!
Happy 2015 to all my readers – it’s lovely to be here. I’m still slowly getting back into the swing of things – organising some awesome shoots for the next few months, as well as spending plenty of time with Justin B and my adorable new foster kitten George. I hope you all had a lovely holiday season filled with love and laughter, and I look forward to sharing the highs and lows of the next year with you all! If you haven’t already – pop on over to instagram and follow me there – @erinandjustinb
From left to right – gorgeous George helps me on the computer, Simpson, MG, & Bentley have a snuggle, and Justin B does what he does best – relaxes.
This year, I would simply like to say thank you.
To all of the beautiful people I have met through Paws and Tails Rehoming – thank you for everything you do for the cats and kittens in your care, and for letting me have free reign on adoption shoots! And in particular, thanks to Mel who has become a great friend – crazy cat ladies unite!
To Sally and the team at the RSPCA who have always been so kind and welcoming – thank you for being so positive and motivated, despite the often sad nature of the work you deal with.
To Matt and Katie who changed my life with their business workshop earlier this year.
To all my friends and family who supported me through my tough times and celebrated with me through the good.
To all my wonderful clients. And you are all wonderful! Your dedication and love for your pets never fails to move me.
To every single person who has taken the time to interact with me on social media, email, and in real life.
To everyone who bought my ebook.
To everyone who has said such nice things about my work.
And most importantly, thank you to my special little dude Justin B – office assistant, counsellor, hot water bottle on a cold night, and all round great company. Unconditional love is the best thing you can ever give and receive.
So to sign off from 2014 – here are a small selection of my favourites from the year – Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, wherever in the world you might be.